FORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS"The truth is out there" FORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS"The truth is out there"

"The truth is out there" @SAI Gallery Produced by DAYZ 6 NOV 2020

90年代初頭、何人かの仲間と集まり、着たいTシャツを作るためだけに始めたのが40% AGAINST RIGHTSというブランドです。
当初は雑誌や広告の切り抜き写真をコラージュしたプリントTシャツの制作から歩み始めた活動は、徐々に本格的な服作りを目指すようになり、40% uparmored (w)tapsを経て、96年にはWTAPSというアパレルブランドを発足するに至りました。
シルクスクリーンを軸に活動してきた40% AGAINST RIGHTSはここで一時活動を休止します。
40% AGAINST RIGHTS is a brand that started in the early ’90s, getting together with some friends and just started making T-shirts that we wanted to wear.
The brand was born from the “play” with silkscreen and delivered messages mainly through clothes.
At first, the activity started from printed T-shirts of the collages, put together from magazines and advertisements, gradually aiming for full-scale clothes. After 40% uparmored (w)tapas, we launched an apparel brand called WTAPS in 1996. 40% AGAINST RIGHTS, which revolved around silkscreen, would see its activities temporarily suspended from here.
09年に活動を再開したFORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS(以下、FPAR)は、シルクスクリーンという軸は変えずに、スローガンやメッセージを発信する表現へとシフトし、シンプルかつ抽象的な言葉を綴ったタイポグラフィが新たな表現方法となってゆきました。
FORTY PERCENT AGAINST RIGHTS (FPAR) resumed its activities in 2009. Without changing the silkscreen axis, we shifted to express our slogans and messages by sending abstractive and straightforward words, and this typography became our new expression method.
Words that touched on the social satires and human karma were transmitted through the media of FPAR and spread by the people who wore them.
今回、RAYARD MIYASHITA PARK内のセレクトショップ、DAYZから展覧会開催のオファーを受け、同館内のSAI Galleryにてエキシビジョン「The truth is out there」を出展することになりました。
This time, we received an offer to hold an exhibition by DAYZ, a select shop in RAYARD MIYASHITA PARK. The collection “The truth is out there” will be exhibited at the SAI Gallery in the same building.
The act of "expressing" is consistent as before, but pulling away from the familiar T-shirt canvas.
The words of FPAR are transmitted in various formats, such as the framing of cotton cloth, relief, and LED sign.
Rather than saying that we originally sent messages out because there was something we wanted to appeal or project to the world, I feel that many of FPAR’s words were directed inward towards ourselves, encouraging ourselves, and bearing it in mind.
All are universal words, but it's not intended to enlighten the masses with all of them.
If the slogans and messages that FPAR delivers reach someone and this someone felt something, that may be the goal.